Carson's Version of Weekday Names!

This made me laugh the other day
(even his very good poor impression of me on "moan-day" complete with waddle and grimace!)

My week... by Carson, 5.
Showing the week who's boss, 
dictated by Carson, age 5.

Moan-day.....   "Oh, Look at me, I'm mum... I have a sore back"
MUM: *cheeky little....* Nah, fair cop! Every day is a moan-day these days.

Choose-day.....   "I get what I want 'cuz I choose it - heee!"

Wins-day.....   "The lottery is on wins-day"

Thirst-day.....   "You must drink plenty of drink"
MUM: ho ho ho! fine by me son, fine by me! *Reaches for the Rioja* :-)

Fry-day.....   "No salad for me on a Friday!"
MUM: Go on then, bacon butties all round!

Sat-on-day.....   "This means I get to sit on things"
MUM: What my arse? Yes please!

Sun-day.....   "It should be sunny on a Sunday"
MUM: Yeah, well - welcome to UK!

He's pretty much nailed the perfect week BUT If I had my way, I'd make 3 changes:

Mum-day ............. For obvious reasons
Free-day ............. Money doesn't grow on trees
Sitter-day ............ Oh for a night out once a month - never mind once a week!

What's weekday names would you go for?

....... Now pass the rioja - it's Thirst-day in this household ;-)


  1. Haha!!! This made me chuckle! Brilliant :)

  2. I think my moan day is everyday haha x

  3. Lol I think my hubby would like Fry day every day! Very cute!
    Two Hearts One Roof

  4. I like wins-day!
    Maybe if I rename it like this wins will start coming... what do you think?

  5. I like sit on day because I like to sit on things.


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